8:00 A.M
Early Morning Service
10:30 A.M
Second Service
7:00 P.M - 7:30 P.M
Corporate Prayer
7:30 P.M - 8:30 P.M
”HOUR OF POWER” Adult Bible Study
“S.W.A.T. Students With A Testimony” (Ages 13-18) *EXCEPT the 3rd Wednesday of the month*
12:00 P.M - 1:00 P.M
Check out our latest events. Dont miss out!
Begins April 2nd – May 28th, 2025, every Wednesday, at 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. upstairs in the Yellow Room. Registration is now open in the Fellowship Hall after service or Text2Give to 28950 using code SOGKTFW. Cost: $20, which includes the workbook.
See moreo Join us for the kickoff of the Lovely C. Pierce Scholarship process on Sunday, March 30. Rep your favorite college, Greek, or professional organization by wearing your best gear. High school seniors and their parents are invited to join us after the 10:30 service for a Scholarship Information session here in the Sanctuary.
See moreSunday, March 23rd, 2025, both services. Please register by text2give 28950 with code: SOGBABY
See more